Archeoscan provides opportunities for public involvement in archaeology. Our most popular activity is giving people the chance to participate in an excavation at exciting sites in the Cotswolds area. We also assist communities in conducting geophysical surveys of sites of interest to them.  Equally, we visit schools and colleges in support of the national curriculum to provide hands-on experiences of archaeology



To date many people have enjoyed excavating on our sites.  These have included Roman villa sites, a possible new Roman pottery kiln site and a possible Iron Age and Roman port on the River Severn, and discovering a lost Medieval manor in the Cotswolds. Thank you to all who participated in the digs and contributed in so many ways. 



 2024 DIGS

We are pleased to announce that the bookings for the excavation of the Medieval Manor at Guiting Power in the Gloucestershire Cotswolds are now open.


We are returning to this picturesque village in the Cotswolds to continue to excavate the Medieval Manor that we started work on 3 years ago.  The archaeology has been covered during the Winter months so we can carry on from where we left off in 2023.  There are significant walls and floors of the 11th and 12th century buildings left to be we look to establish a wider footprint and plan for the buildings this year. The remains and the pottery analysis, along with the recovery of a hammered silver coin, suggest we are excavating a high status manor house probably erected in the early Norman period and used and altered for many centuries after that.



See excavation opportunities for the digging dates for this site


The dates that we will be on this site are:


Thursday 27 June to Friday 28 June
Sunday 30 June to Thursday 04 July
Sunday 07 July to Thursday 11 July
Sunday 14 July to Tuesday 16 July
Monday 22 July to Friday 26 July


To be placed on the mailing list contact us and you wil be one of the first to know of the new opportunities.



Dig for day in 2024


Why not purchase a gift certificate for the Archaeologist in your life


Dig for a day  £40.00 (all equipment included)


Any multiple of days available


For details contact us via the form on the Contact Us page




Various projects open to members of the public

See the Excavation Opportunities page

Why not purchase a gift voucher for the budding archaeologist in your life

Dig for a day £40




We are able to facilitate geophysical surveys in your local area using our own geophysical equipment.  We specilaise in faciltating surveys for local communities and schools groups.


See our Geophysics and Services for Schools pages


          Other Services

We have provided our services for a number of TV documentaries most recently with the BBC and Tern TV

  See Latest News page

We can also facilitate earthwork surveys and fieldwalking in your local area

See Other Services page


Thanks for stopping by. Have a look around and get to know me. I welcome your thoughts, comments, tips or personal contact requests. Please use the contact form to get in touch.

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© Anthony Roberts